Industrial growth is the backbone of any country and its economy. Until the industries on the growth trajectory we cannot say that the country’s economy is in a stabilized condition. Industrial growth attracts lot of foreign investments and can act as a catalyst for overall welfare of the country.
.Many industries or businesses are nowadays unable to get the desired results due to various factors. Though the government is doing its level best in providing infrastructure facilities, industries are not in a position to take advantage of them due to various reasons.
Most of the issues that industries are facing can be set right by adopting Vaastu Principles.
For instance, industrial profits can fluctuate from time to time due to various changes. These changes must be monitored closely with necessary follow up in a manner that Vaastu Principles are not violated. Similarly, industries may add new structures, or shift some of them within premises. These variations, depending on their weight and size, must be carried out as per the Vaastu norms.
Vaastu Principles can help bring about considerable improvements in any industrial business. Generally, industries are related to three fields:
(a) Communication (IT)
(b) Trading
(c) Heavy duty Manufacture.
(d) Raw material production
Following are the Vaastu tips to be followed to ensure that these industries run well:
1) Industrial plot should be on a relatively plain, preferably a square land, with four perfect corners.
2) The plot must be parallel to the road. A corner plot is a bonus.
3) Plot size in length and breadth should be in the ratio 1:2, 2:3 or 2:5.
4) Plot must preferably be facing north or east or northeast.
5) Entrance of the building should open towards the north or east of the main premises.
6) North or east or northeast corner must have an underground water tank or bore well.
7) Southeast corner should have the electrical input point, like transformer, power grid or generator shed. This corner is the fire-related area.
8) Southern or western portion of the premises must be preferably elevated compared to the north or east.