Libra 2022 Horoscope
- Important Planetary Transits -
- Saturn enters Capricorn Sign in 9th house on January 24.
- Starting of this year, Rahu is in Gemini Sign in 2nd House and will enter Taurus Sign in 1st house after September 19.
- Jupiter enters Capricorn Sign in 9th house on March 30 and will enter Sagittarius Sign in 8th House on June 30 after turning Retrograde.
- On November 20, Jupiter will again transit Capricorn Sign in 9th house after becoming direct.
- Venus combusts from May 31 to June 9
- Jupiter turns retrograde in Capricorn from mid May 2022.
- Consult Astrologers -

Acharya Jairam
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Speaks : Hindi
Experience: 7 Years

Konakala U S
Charges: Rs.35/Min
Speaks : Telugu, English
Experience: 7 Years

Konakala U S
Charges: Rs.35/Min
Speaks : Telugu, English
Experience: 12 Years

Aacharya Preeti S
Charges: Rs.35/Min
Speaks : Hindi,English
Experience: 20 Years

Acharya Sudhanshu Sharma
Charges: Rs.45/Min
Speaks : Hindi
Experience: 35 Years

C Kotteeswaran
Charges: Rs.35/Min
Speaks : Tamil,English
Experience: 22 Years

Charges: Rs.35/Min
Speaks : Tamil, English
Experience: 42 Years

Acharya Surendra
Charges: Rs.45/Min
Speaks : Hindi
Experience: 15 Years

Pt Prashant
Charges: Rs.45/Min
Speaks : English, Hindi, Kannada, Marathi, Tamil,Telugu
Experience: 16 Years

Pt Rajan Maharaj
Charges: Rs.75/Min
Speaks : Hindi
Experience: 21 Years

Business & Career
Libra yearly 2022 horoscope indicates that this year will be beneficial for Libra in professional aspect of life. They will achieve professional goals and they will obtain a higher position in their career. There will be an increase in efficiency, proficiency and productivity in their professional life. At work, there are chances to travel or to extend their area of expertise. Hence, there will be significant gains professionally this year. For those who have their own business, this year will be very profitable. Rahu in ninth house will provide them the opportunity to travel for a business reason. Financially, there will be vast gains and the income will be maintained at a stable level. However, in the starting months of this year, Mercury will become debilitated in Pisces which means that there are chances of losing a lot of money. Librans are advised to control their expenditure and focus on saving the money instead. They are also advised to learn new skills, new ventures, and new environments which will result in money coming through to them in plenty. There are chances of purchasing a new vehicle or a luxurious time. There will be significant gains through inheritance. There will be enough opportunities to enhance the flow of money. There are chances of getting money from unexpected sources. In addition to additional wealth, there will be recognition and increase in your social standing. Overall, this year is excellent for you for career perspective.

Love & Romance
This year also brings an excellent phase of love, pleasure and romance. There is also a high possibility of childbirth in the family. Due to the transit of Saturn in your fourth house, you may experience dissatisfaction within your family. During the months from March to May, family life will be peaceful, and you will establish cordial relationship with all the members of your family. This is mainly due to the transit of Jupiter in your fourth house. There are indications that you will travel along with your spouse to foreign locations. Since Rahu will change its position in the month of September, there are possibilities of getting into a secretive relationship with members of opposite sex. There will be opportunities for you to express your love and care for your spouse. There will be a newfound intimacy between the married couples. There are possibilities of expecting a childbirth or pregnancy. However, your love and romance be unaffected by this placement. During the months from July to November, the health of your spouse might decline, and you may need to take extra care of your spouse. This year is also good from a marriage perspective as some of you may tie a knot with someone you really admire. This year is also good for love and romance. There may be instability in the love relationship for the initial few months. However, you will end up sharing a bond with your beloved throughout the year.

Students will find that their motivation level seems to be maintained, and scores seem to be getting better. This is due to the placement in which the sixth house is aspected by the benefic Saturn throughout this year. For students who are appearing for competitive exams, they are more likely to obtain success. However, students are advised to avoid careless attitudes towards studies since they can get distracted easily. Constant attention and revision are essential to stay motivated on their studies. However, students who are studying in the field of Science will find that their scores will be getting better. Students who are pursuing their graduation will have to put in more efforts to achieve the desired results. They can adopt powerful study techniques like Mind Mapping, Creative Visualization, Mnemonics, Association and Acrostics to learn the subject matter effectively and efficiently. They will get a lot of help from their seniors, friends and teachers who will provide them guidance in their field of study. Those who are pursuing their post-graduation studies will have to remain focussed on their studies. Students who are pursuing doctorate studies will receive help and guidance from their peers and mentors in their research studies. However, they are advised to take some rest and relax a little as it will them to produce good results.

Librans will generally enjoy excellent health this year. There are no signs of any major illnesses apart from minor cold and light cough. They are advised to take medical consultation and rest. From March to June, your mother’s health will be affecting your mental state causing you to worry. Taking her to an expert physician will help in improving her wellbeing. During the months of June and July, there are possibilities of decline in the health of your spouse. However, you can expect a speedy recovery. During the middle stages of this year, you will have to reduce your workload since it can cause you stress and tension. You can also join Yoga or meditation classes or hit the gym. By practising some relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, positive imaging, autosuggestions, etc, you can reach a peaceful state of mind in which you will remain calm and balanced. Some of you may resort to alternative systems of medicines such as Ayurveda, Unani and Homeopathy. You will find yourselves opening to the possibilities which you had never considered in the past. You are also advised to take care of your digestive system as digestive system related disorders can happen. A proper diet will help in reducing the chances of getting these issues. You also need to drink lots of water in order to avoid dehydration. Avoid spicy, oily and fried junk food as it will have a damaging effect on your digestive system. The year, in general, is good for your health perspective.
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