Meena Rashi (Or) Pisces Baby Boy Names

Starting Letters or Akshars

Di, Dee,Du, Doo ,Tha ,Jha, Ja ,Ana ,De, Day, De,Do, Dau ,Cha ,Chi, Chee

Pisces is the twelfth sign of the zodiac, and it is also the final sign in the zodiacal cycle. Hence, this sign brings together many of the characteristics of the eleven signs that have come before it. These folks are selfless, spiritual, empathetic and very focused on their inner journey. They place great emphasis on what they are feeling. Yes, feelings define them, and
it’s common for them to feel their own burdens and joys as well as those of others. The intuition of the Pisces-born is highly evolved. When they face difficult situations, they tend to retreat into their inner world of dreams and fantasies. Since this sign is the last of all the Zodiac signs, they tend to possess characteristics of all the signs in the Zodiac. Pisces being the gentle and delicate of all signs tend to have the tenderest physical structure. Large head, beautiful eyes, and a chubby figure are the common body traits that are present in any Piscean.

They are sensitive to allergies, seasonal influenzas, water borne diseases, and other seasonal ailments. Pisces governs the feet, ankles and immune system. They are susceptible to developing addictions like smoking, drinking and taking drugs since these
habits have a way of taking them

Baby nameMeanings
Deenabandhufriend of the poor
Deepa lamp
Deepanlighting up
Deepankarlord of light
Deependubright moon
Deepeshlord of light
Deeptanshuthe sun
Deeptendubright moon
Dilipan ancestor of Lord Rama, a king
Dinargold coin
Dindayalkindto the poor
Dineshthe sun
Divakarthe sun
Divyangadivine body
Divyenduthe moon
Dulaldear one
DevGod, king
Devabrataa name of Bhisma
Devadasfollower of God
Devajyotibrightness of the Lord
DevendraLord Indra
Dev Kumarson of gods
DevnathKing of gods
DeveshLord Shiva
DeveshwarLord Shiva
Thakurleader; God
Chaitanyathe name of a saint; consciousness
Chakora bird enamoured of the moon
ChakrapaniLord Vishnu
Champaka flower
Chandakthe moon
Chandra, Chandrabhanthe moon
ChandrachurLord Shiva
Chandrahasbow of Shiva
Chandrakpeacock feather
Chandrakantathe moon
Chandrakishorethe moon
Chandrakumarthe moon
Chandramohanattractive like the moon
Chandrashekharone who holds moon in his hair knot, Lord Shiva
Chandreshlord of the moon
Chandranthe moon
Chandranaththe moon
Charanjit, Charanjeetone who has won over the lord
Chaturbhujstrong, broad shouldered
Chetanconsciousness, life
Chhandakthe charioteer of Lord Buddha
Chidambarone whose heart is as big as the sky
ChidanandaLord Shiva
Chintamaniphilosopher’s stone
Chirayuimmortal Chitrabhanu
Chitrakshbeautiful eyed
Chitralof variegated colour
Chitraraththe sun
Chitrasena king of Gandharvas
Chittaranjanjoy of inner mind
Chittaswarupthe supreme spirit
Chitteshlord of the soul
Chudamanijewel adorned by the gods
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Meena Rashi (Or) Pisces Baby Boy Names

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