Cancer is the fourth sign of the Zodiac, and their life is all about home. Those born under this sign value their roots seriously and take great pleasure in the comforts of home and family. Cancers are generally maternal, nurturing, sensitive and domestic. If their domestic family
life is tranquil and harmonious, then they will be happier. Cancer is blessed with good memories and they rarely forget things. Since they are moody, they tend to tend retreat into their own shell. The greatest strength of the Cancerian is the resolve with which they take care of their loved ones and the great lengths they go on to protect them. Since this sign is ruled by Moon, they are emotionally sensitive, and their moods will shift from being happy to be sad the next moment. Cancerians are blessed with a sharp memory and great intuitive powers. Despite having such good qualities, they tend to wallow in self-pity and brood for long periods of time. They can become overly sensitive, moody and vindictive. They tend to cling to old and useless habits, people and ideas and this will lead to feelings of emptiness and depression.
Cancerians have a moderate body structure, a round face, big & beautiful eyes, of medium height and look younger than their age. Their weakest area is their chest and they are susceptible to heartburns as well. Cancer rules chest, breast and lungs and hence, they must adopt preventive measures in order to prevent corresponding health issues.
Baby names | Meanings |
Hamid | friend |
Hamir | a raga |
Hans | swan |
Hanuman | the monkey god of Ramayana |
Hanumant | the monkey god of Ramayana |
Hardik | heartfelt |
Harekrishna | Lord Krishha |
Harendra | Lord Shiva |
Haresh | Lord Krishna |
Haridas | servant of Krishna |
Harigopal | Lord Krishna |
Harihar | Lord Vishnu |
Harkrishna | Lord Krishna |
Harinarayan | Lord Vishnu |
Hariom | Lord Vishnu |
Hariprasad | blessed by Lord Krishna |
Haritbaran | green |
Hariram | Lord Rama |
Harishankar | Lord Shiva |
Harishchandra | King of Surya dynasty, charitable |
Harjeet | victorious |
Harmendra | the moon |
Haroon | hope |
Harsh | happiness |
Harshad | giver of joy |
Harshavardhan | creator of joy |
Harshil | joyful |
Harshit | joyous |
Harshita | joyous |
Hashmat | glory, joyful |
Hasit | happy |
Hassan | an Islamic |
Heer | diamond |
Hem | gold |
Hemadri | the Himalaya |
Hemanga | goldenbodied |
Hemanta | early winter |
Hemamdar | golden creeper |
Hemendu | golden moon |
Heramba | Lord Ganesh |
Himachal | the Himalayas |
Himadri | Himalaya |
Himaghna | the sun |
Himnish | Lord Shiva |
Himanshu | the moon |
Himmat | courage |
Hiranya | gold |
Hiranmay | golden |
Hirendra | Lord of diamonds |
Hitendra | well-wisher |
Hriday | Heart |
Hridaynath | lord of the heart, beloved |
Hrishikesh | Lord Vishnu |
Hussain | Islamic thinker, saint |
Dabeet | warrior |
Daman | one who controls |
Damian | tamer |
Damodar | Lord Ganapati |
Darpan | a mirror |
Darshan | religious text |
Dasharath | the father of Lord Rama |