Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac, and Aquarians are the perfect representatives for the Age of Aquarius. Those of the Aquarius zodiac sign are humanitarian, philanthropic, and keenly interested in making the world a better place. Aquarians are visionaries, progressive souls who love to spend time thinking about how things can be better. They make a lot of
friends and acquaintances. Making the world a better place is a collaborative effort for Aquarians. They are unconventional yet intelligent and they love making a lot of friends. However, they do not like associating with ill-mannered people. They have strong beliefs and fixed mindsets with a rational worldview.
Aquarius rules the body parts such as ankles, calves and arteries. They are also prone to arthritis, varicose veins, and other leg problems. This sign also rules the circulatory system. They are susceptible to circulatory system related disorders such as hypertension, heart problems, Peripheral Artery Disease, nerve damage, numbness, blood clots, diabetes and neuralgia.
Aquarians are known to guard their independence fiercely and hence; a love relationship frightens them a bit since it curbs their freedom. They generally look for someone who can share the same thoughts and intellectual interests. They will normally accommodate, adjust
and compromise to the needs of their partner. In a committed relationship, they will bring spontaneity.
Baby name | Meanings |
Gagan | sky |
Gajanand | Lord Ganesh |
Gajendra | the king of elephants |
Gandharva | celestial musician |
Gandhik | fragant |
Ganesh | son of Lord Shiva & Parvati |
Gangesh | Lord Shiva |
Gangeya | of the Ganga |
Gangol | a precious |
Ganapati | Lord Ganesh |
Gaurinath | Lord Shiva |
Gautam | Lord Buddha |
Geet | song |
Ghalib | excellent |
Ghanashyam | Lord Krishna |
Giri | mountain |
Giridhar | Lord Krishna |
Giridari | Lord Krishna |
Girik | Lord Shiva |
Girilal | Lord Shiva |
Girindra | Lord Shiva |
Giriraj | lord of the mountains |
Ghasi | One Type of Ryms to Kasi |
Ghata | Clouds |
Ghena | Jewellery |
Ghaada | Beautiful; A Small Song |
Ghaena | Ornament |
Ghanya | Bunch; Singing |
Ghewri | Name of a Sweet |
Ghanavi | Singing Star |
Ghanika | Flower |
Ghatala | Beautiful |
Ghatari | Add Meaning |
Ghauree | Bullet |
Ghaaliya | Fragrant; Which can be Sung |
Ghantaka | Add Meaning |
Ghnanika | Intelligent |
Ghanajani | A Lover of Nature |
Ghanakuil | Singer |
Ghatalika | Charming |
Ghanapriya | Loved by Clouds |
Ghanamalika | Clouds |
Girish | Lord Shiva |
Gokul | a place where Lord Krishna was brought up |
Gopal | Lord Krishna; protector cows |
Gopesh | Lord Krishna |
Gopichand | name of a king |
Gorakh | cowherd |
Gogula | Lord Krishna |
Gokul | A place where lord krishna was brought up |
Gopal | Krishna, cowherd |
Gopan | Protection |
Gopathi | Krishna , |
Gopesh | Lord krishna |
Gopichand | Name of a king |
Gorakh | Cowherd |
Goraksh | Lord Shiva |
Goral | Lovable |
Gorav | Lord Shiva |
Goshanraj | Lord Vengadasalabathi |
Gouri shankar | Name of mountain |
Goutham | A sage |
Goutham budda | Siddartha |
Goutheesh | Wisdom |
Govardhan | Name of mountain |
Govind | Lord venkateshwara, Cowherd, lord krishna |
Govinda | Lord krishna |
Govindaraj | God Vishnu |
Govinda | Lord Krishna |
Gudakesha | the archer Arjuna |
Gulfam | the colour |
Gulzar | gardener |
Gulzarilal | name of Lord Krishna |
Guru | Teacher; Master; Priest |
Guhya | Confidential Subject |
Gulal | Colour Red |
Gunaj | Virtuous Maiden |
Gunin | Virtuous |
Gulzar | Gardener; Place Where Flowers Grow; An Inhabited Town |
Gunjan | Hum; Buzzing of a Bee |
Gurjas | Fame of Lord; Fame of Guru |
Gurjop | Love to Gods |
Gurman | Lord of God; Heart of God; Heart of the Guru |
Gurnam | Name of the Guru |
Gursan | Agree in Anything |
Gulshan | Garden of Flowers; Rose Garden |
Gunagya | Knower of Virtues |
Gunakar | An Ancient King |
Gunalan | Filled with Virtue |
Gunamay | Virtuous |
Gunvant | Good Pride; Virtuous |
Gurdeep | Light of the Teacher; Lamp of Guru |