
Aries and Gemini Compatibility
Aries and Gemini Compatibility


Active, Demanding, Determined, Effective, Ambitious

Lucky Color :Red
lucky number :5
Ruling Planet :Mars
Greatest Overall Compatibility: Libra, Leo

Their lucky gem is Coral.


Communication, Indecision, Inquisitive, Intelligent, Chageable

Lucky Color :Yellow
lucky number :7
Ruling Planet :Mercury
Greatest Overall Compatibility: Sagittarius, Aquarius

Their lucky gem is Emerald.

Main Characteristics

When Aries and Gemini start a love relationship, they can connect on both physical and intellectual level. These two zodiac signs love being in action and love to stay optimistic and hopeful in the most difficult times. They share an excellent rapport with each other coupled with a deep understanding of one another. Gemini values independence. This trait attracts them to Aries, who has an independent and pioneering spirit. Aries tend to consider Gemini’s flirtatious nature too seriously resulting in arguments which can change the dynamics of their relationship. There is a good balance between these two signs since Aries wants to experiment and experience new things while Gemini wants to discuss them in detail. Mars ruled Aries and Mercury ruled Gemini work great together. Heated debates will either make or break this relationship

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