Your Life Report

Birth Charts

Detailed Charts like Birth/Navamsa Charts, Chalit Charts, Moon Charts, Sun charts are covered in details

Ascendant Predictions

Detailed Planetary positions and Impact of them in your Birth chart and Overall personality. Strength of Planets ie Shadbala and their impact

Mahadasha Predictions

Each Planet's Mahadasha gives major turn arounds in one's life. Major Positive & Negative events are mentioned here to avoid pitfalls

Favourable Periods

The report studies your dasa bhukts, the houses & planetary positions to generate favourable for your marriage, career, business and house construction.

Lucky Colours & Gemstones

Colors that suit you are suggested that can be used for beneficial results. Gemstones that can enhance the strength of planets to hasten the success

Simple Remedies

Which Diety you should follow and pray often and which temples of which specific days are to be followed is mentioned here.

Customer Testimonials

Excellent Service and 100% accurate predictions by Bharthi Mam. My life has changed after taking the services of Astrorays. Best wishes and Thanks !
Quick Response by the team. I ordered my health report and voila it was delivered within few hours. I would definitely order more services.
Manoj Sharma
Software Professional
Best thing about this service is that i can discuss anything with the astrologer anonymously and all my details are private.I will definitely avail the service again.
Ntin Gupta
I had a great astrology consultation in telugu for 30 mins. I was given timely advice and was told about bad times coming in the near future
Kamna Pandey

Our Panel of Best Astrologers

Acharya Anand

Ratings :2049

Charges: Rs.40/Min

Speaks : Hindi

Experience: 12 Years


Acharya Jayant

Ratings :537

Charges: Rs.45/Min

Speaks : Hindi

Experience: 25 Years


Jyotishi P Manglekar

Ratings :1386

Charges: Rs.40/Min

Speaks : Hindi,English,Marathi,Gujarati

Experience: 15 Years


Jyoti Soni

Ratings :1202

Charges: Rs.40/Min

Speaks : Hindi, English

Experience: 15 Years


Reema Comar

Ratings :2057

Charges: Rs.50/Min

Speaks : Hindi,English

Experience: 25 Years


Acharya Dinesh

Ratings :2317

Charges: Rs.40/Min

Speaks : Hindi, Gujarati

Experience: 42 Years

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