
Gemini and Virgo Compatibility
Gemini and Virgo Compatibility


Communication, Indecision, Inquisitive, Intelligent, Chageable

Lucky Color :Yellow
lucky number :7
Ruling Planet :Mercury
Greatest Overall Compatibility: Sagittarius, Aquarius

Their lucky gem is Emerald.


Analysing, Practicle, Reflective, Observation, Thoughtful

Lucky Color :Grey
lucky number :7
Ruling Planet :Mercury
Greatest Overall Compatibility: Pisces, Cancer

Their lucky gem is Emerald

Main Characteristics

When Gemini and Virgo become lovers, it becomes very important for both to understand each other’s approach to life, love and everything else. Gemini’s approach to life is light, fun filled and casual while Virgo’s approach is deep, serious and practical. Gemini can help Virgo by bringing fun and excitement in their lives while Virgo can help Gemini to become more involved and see the depth of ideas rather than just skimming over the surface. Virgo’s over-critical nature and Gemini’s aloofness and capriciousness can result in trouble for this pair. Since both these mutable signs are ruled by the same planet – Mercury, they can use their Mercury gift of communication effectively, this pair will enjoy a hugely gratifying relationship.

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